How to use the archive

After you've signed up to the archive and verified your account, when you log in you'll be taken to your profile page. Here you will find two options.

On the right you can click on 'browse stories' to see the entries that other people have uploaded to the archive.

On the left you can click 'start your story' to add an archive entry of your own.

Under 'The story title' heading you can name your entry. Do you want to name your post after a particular costume that you made or wore, or a performance that encapsulates your own style of burlesque?

Next, in 'The story introduction section' you can introduce yourself and give a description of what you will be showcasing within your archive entry.

In the 'Your Scene' section you can use the space to tell your story. You can have have multiple scenes if you would like to break up your story up into different sections. Think of each scene as a different chapter or section to the story you are telling.

You can also add images and other media to the scenes within your story. You do so by linking the 'Add Thing' yellow button underneath the 'Your scene' section, and clicking on the 'Add a new thing' button.

A 'thing' might be anything that relates to your story such as a picture of a costume or prop or a video of one of your performances.

Here you are presented with 2 options. You can paste a link to a web address which you may want to use to showcase a particular song you have preformed to, or share a link to one of your own performances.

On this story I've added a YouTube link to the song 'Crazy in Love (remix)' which I heard at the first burlesque show I went to.

You can add your own images or gifs using the 'upload an image from your own computer' section- just make sure you click the box underneath to consent to the upload of your images!

Here I've added a picture of the Fabulous Femininities Logo

You can also add on images that other people have shared on the archive by clicking on the 'Add thing' button underneath your scene and selecting the 'Everybody's things' tab. I've added a picture of gold sequin materials, which was uploaded by another archive user, to make my scene look more exciting

You can also add tags to the scenes of your story by clicking on the 'Add Tag' button. I've added a 'how to add a tag' to this scene. Now if people search for that phrase on the archive this story will come up.

You can add comments to your scene. By clicking on the 'Add Comment' button you can make, edit or remove comments on your story, or remove the comments that other archive users might make on your story.

If you were interviewed by one of the Fabulous Femininities Team you could use your scenes to post some of the quotes from your interview, and use the 'Add Thing' option to add images or videos to accompany these posts. You can also post a link to the podcast of your interview that we will send you, so that people can listen to your interview in full.

If you want to edit any of the 'things' you have added to your scene click on the 'Edit' button under the 'Thing' 'Tag' or 'Comment' that you wish to edit.

If you want to delete one of the 'things' you have added to your scenes click on the 'Remove' button under the 'Thing' 'Tag' or 'Comment' that you wish to delete. Once you have done so a red button will appear at the top of the webpage and you select the 'Yes' option on the right when it asks you 'Are you sure you wish to delete this'

You can save your progress at any point by clicking on the save button on the bottom left corner of your scene.

Now that you've built your story, you may want to preview it to see what it looks like when it's published. After you've saved your scenes you will be taken to 'Your Story's' homepage where you can click on the 'Preview Story' button on the right hand side.

If you're happy with what you've done, you're good to go! Click on the 'Publish' button on your story homepage and select who you would like to see it and whether you would like other people to be able to comment on your story.

If you want to edit your published archive entry, simply click on the 'My stories' button on the top of the webpage and select the 'Edit Story' option, or scroll down to the scene you want to edit and click on the 'Edit this Scene' option on the right hand side.

And that's how you share your own story to the archive, which is made up of multiple scenes (or chapters) that you can add different videos, links or pictures to.

I hope this helps! If you have any questions feel free to reach out to us on and we'll be in touch.